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Hurricane Preparation

Preparation for Hurricane Evacuation of Spanish Main Yacht Club

Hurricane Evacuation Committee members: 

Responsibilities of the Committee

  1. Notify all members in residence of an evacuation order and assist as necessary with relocation. The Committee will be assisted by neighborhood leaders and office staff who will determine which members are in residence, make sure they are aware of an evacuation order, and assist or arrange for assistance for those members who may need it. 
  2. Assess damage as soon as possible follow a hurricane and communicate information to members. 

Storm Preparation/Evacuation

Responsibilities of residents and others who might be present during a hurricane

Preparing for a storm

  1. Hurricane preparedness information is available from many sources. Read this information and keep it in a convenient place. 
  2. Think ahead about where you might go if evacuation is necessary. Public shelters and hotels/motels out of the evacuation area are common options. Many hotels/motels will change or cancel reservations without charge. Check with them. If you have a pet, determine which facilities are pet-friendly.
  3. Register on-line with the Town of Longboat Key for emergency alert notifications through “Alert Longboat Key”. Longboat Key will alert you via phone of various emergency alerts and other important information. “Alert Longboat Key” replaced “CodeRed” on May 25, 2020.
  4. For a Hurricane Guide by the local ABC tv station go to: First Alert Hurricane Guide 2020
  5. For updated information during severe weather events go to:
  6. For a list of Hurricane preparation supplies: Florida Disaster Supply Checklist.

When a Storm Warning/Watch/Evacuation is issued

  1. Make a decision on where you will go if evacuation is necessary.
  2. Secure your villa, patio and dock. Remove hanging baskets, chimes, potted plants and outdoor lawn decorations. Place them in the corner of your carport or laundry room. Remove chairs, tables, umbrellas, bicycles, boating and fishing equipment and place them in your villa. Place grill in corner of your carport or in your laundry room. If anything is left in your carport you may want to use bungee cords or ratchet straps to secure items.
  3. Take valuables, medications, insurance and any other important documents. Make sure you have identification to prove residency, i.e. driver’s license (with local address), tax bill or utility bill with local address.
  4. Do what you can to mitigate damages inside your villa. If you have a boat, either remove it or secure it as much as possible. Kayaks must be placed inside your villa.
  5. During an evacuation, leave in a timely manner. Don’t wait until the last minute.
  6. Take food and drinks with you. Restaurants and stores may not be open. Fill your vehicle with gas. Have cash on hand since ATM’s may be out of money or not working.

Thinking of staying to “Ride Out the Storm”?

Even during a mandatory evacuation, no one will be forced to leave their home, but we are on a barrier island and it is advised if a hurricane is going to have a direct hit on the Gulf Coast that you leave the island. If you decide to stay, consider the following:

  1. The LBK Police Department may ask for the names of your next of kin.
  2. Any or all utilities may be unavailable during a storm, including electricity, water, cable TV, natural gas, etc. These utilities may be out for days or weeks after a hurricane.
  3. During a mandatory evacuation, police, fire and medical emergency services may not be available.
  4. Plan on being entirely self-sufficient, including having your own food and water. 
  5. The emergency generator at the clubhouse may not be available to power the clubhouse.
  6. Movement around Longboat Key may be limited. You could be arrested for driving, riding or walking on public streets or sidewalks.

Return following a storm

  1. If there is significant damage on Longboat Key, access will be limited. A three-tiered system has been develop by LBK officials to allow the orderly assessment of damage and begin repairs as soon as possible. The general public will be a low priority in this system. Don’t come back unless you are sure you will be allowed back on the key.
  2. Bring food and water with you. Utilities may not be immediately available. 
  3. Make sure you have identification to prove residency, i.e. driver’s license with local address, tax bill, utility bill with local address, etc. 

Responsibilities of those who are not summer residents

  1. When you leave for the summer and fall, leave as if it were a mandatory evacuation. See Storm Preparation.
  2. Monitor the Spanish Main website, for information on any damage which might have occurred and who is responsible for reporting damage to your villa. 
  3. All villa owners must have a “Contact Person” who checks their villa when not in residence. This person should check your villa as soon as the public are allowed onto the key and report the status of the inside of your villa to you and to the office.

May 2020